Estranged twins Henry and Freddy navigate their drastically different lives— one a troubled bookworm, the other a hardened criminal. As a young...
Policeman Stevie Grimes never lost his trust in the police force but has been suspended a few months for accidentally shooting and killing a young...
The Confidence Man
12-year-old Henry Rowengartner, whose late father was a minor league baseball player, grew up dreaming of playing baseball, despite his physical...
Rookie of the Year
After his frustrated wife abruptly walks out on him, Stuart Bliss, a wizard at inventing campaigns for surplus military materials, believes he's...
Stuart Bliss
Nathan loved Helen, a young American comedian. He lets her return back to the United States. When he realized he made a mistake, he decides to go to...
Miss Missouri
A psychotic college professor uses unwitting students as laboratory rats, injecting them with a drug that mutates them into gory killers
A US submarine runs into a time rift. A special unit goes on a mission to see what's on the other side. They find themselves in an alternate...
Time Under Fire
Trying to get his act together, a con artist gets a job in a credit card company. He falls in love with a fellow employee, he steals a couple of...
Mo' Money