Short film about a man who finds a magical necklace that turns him into the superhero MK and uses his powers to find love and fight the villain...
Mohamma Kalo V/S Bao Kalo
Vakin Loabin is a 2018 Maldivian family drama film directed by Ali Shifau. Co-produced by Mohamed Ali and Aishath Fuad Thaufeeq under Dark Rain...
Vakin Loabin
A group of six colleagues go on a picnic to an uninhabited island rumored to be cursed where horrifying incidents occur for the 13th, 14th and 15th...
Ryan, a rich kid and Meera, an ordinary girl meet while holidaying in an island and fall madly in love. But tragedy strikes when they decide to get...
Emme Fahu Vindhaa Jehendhen
Loodhifa deals with current social issues in a society, and is told from the different perspectives of its characters.