Takarazuka Cosmos Troupe 2000 production of Utakata no Koi (Translated as Ephemeral Love, also known as Mayerling). Based on the true story of the...
Mayerling / Glorious!!
Takarazuka Revue’s 1992 production of "The Rose of Versailles 2001: Oscar and Andre". This version focuses on the relationship between Oscar...
The Rose of Versailles 2001: Oscar and Andre (Star Troupe, 2001)
Takarazuka Revue Snow Troupe 2002 production, based on "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell. Special 88th Anniversary production along with...
Gone with the Wind
Takarazuka Revue Cosmos Troupe's 1998-99 production of the Viennese musical Elisabeth.
Elisabeth ~The Rondo of Love and Death~
Takarazuka Revue Cosmos Troupe's play.
Excalibur ~Beautiful Knights~ / Citrus Breeze
Star Troupe's stage play.
The Rose of Versailles -Fersen and Marie-Antoinette-