In The Future, A Computer bug sets a new breed of armed and dangerous villains loose on an unsuspecting world. Digital game characters who govern...
Techno Warriors
It is the year 2008, computer generated deadly assassins roam the Earth when a digital warrior program is sabotaged. Upon learning of the deception,...
Lethal Combat
Park Tae-hoon, who disappeared after being betrayed by the Yakuza to which Aoki belonged, returns to seek revenge and coldly carries out his plan....
Write Human Sapyo
Two brothers, Hyuk and Bin, live in a small coal mining village. Hyuk, the younger of the two, works hard as a coal miner to make ends meet. On the...
Upon his release from prison, Hyuk turns away his girlfriend Mina who has come to greet him. He admonishes her to forget about him. He finds a job at...
Killing Game
Young-hoon, a poet with dreams of becoming a movie director, films the lives of the people around him in Apgujeong, one of the most modern and...
On a Windy Day We Must Go to Apgujeong