Unable to process the death of his daughter, Detective Boyd embarks on a hunt for a serial killer who murders according to a brutal tribal ritual:...
The Ritual Killer
A comedy set on New Year’s Eve 1999 in a luxurious hotel in the Swiss Alps where the lives of various guests and those who work for them...
The Palace
Three best friends head on a road trip into the desert for one final camping adventure, but dark secrets are revealed that will change their lives...
By Light of Desert Night
Nightmares and reality become indistinguishable to Stephen when he is forced to take medication for a psychological disorder he doesn't have. To...
State of Consciousness
A closeted gay actor who's known for playing a superhero character on an 80s TV show must confront his dual identity.
Secret Identity
"A skeptical frontiersman is hired to track down a runaway witch coven hiding in the wild only to discover the monstrous truth that the evil they...
The Beast of Gévaudan