Anne (Daphné Baiwir) reads her younger sister, Marie-Catherine (Lola Créton), the story of Bluebeard. In 17th-century France, another...
From its epic conception to its film death, the fantasized and fictitious portrait of the film-maker Walerian Borowczyk : Boro-in-the-box discovers a...
Boro in the Box
O rage, O despair, in Alex's life, who had planned to seduce Sandrine by inviting her to a musical (adapted from "The Cid" by Corneille). But she...
Quatre heures d'Ô Rage
At 25, Berthe dreams of making a living from her painting, never to marry, and to always stay with her sister Edma. Her parents do not see things...
Berthe Morisot
Un viol