Set during Prohibition, the movie centers on Touhy's rise from small time thug to the city's most powerful bootlegger whose empire is rivaled only by...
Roger Touhy, Gangster
A Broadway star devises a scheme to win back her husband when she suspects he's being unfaithful.
Meet Me After the Show
Roger Hudson, a wealthy businessman who has moved to Washington to work for the government as a "dollar a year man," is late for a radio broadcast...
Dixie Dugan
A forger has made a copy of a Spanish land grant and Arnold is after it. Arnold and his men attack, shoot the forger, and take the deed while Russ...
Western Heritage
A group of Arizona ranchers, trying to learn the identities of the Salt River Gang and prevent any further rustling, marks the currency that rancher...
A desert guerilla, with flashing scimitar, opposes a tyrannical prince and marries the caliph's daughter.
The Desert Hawk