Martin, a poor student, volunteers to go on a quest to find a cure for the princess Adriana, who is stricken with a strange illness. Unknown to...
The Ninth Heart
The sore and tender hearts of a young couple with a toddler are explored in this drama. The little girl, four years old, is not aware that she is...
Day for My Love
A murder in a hospital run by incompetents.
Sign of the Cancer
An optimistic collective drama from the life of the workers on the construction site of the Youth Track. An amnestied prisoner wants to atone for his...
Veliká příležitost
A film about the history of a new stroller that broke, a fountain pen that doesn't write and an electric stove that burns fuses every time it's...
O kolečku, peru a vařiči
The bridegroom Jan Kaspar is an officer in the Klement Gottwald's Nová Hut rolling-mill. After bidding farewell to his freedom, he...
Life for Jan Kaspar