Arsenio Lupin is an audacious Parisian thief who mocks the police, especially Inspector Ganimard, but turns over most of his ill-gotten gains to...
Arsenio Lupin
During the times of Venezuelan dictator Juan Vicente Gómez, an exhausted stranger arrives at a farm and starts to help the owner with the...
Love for Life
Adaptation of a Spanish operetta about a love triangle between two fisherman and a human female.
The film chronicles the adventures of a peasant family of the late nineteenth century to push through his work with the opposition and hatred of the...
The Barracks
Businessman Antonio is carrying on an affair with Raquel, who wants him to divorce his wife Elena. He purchases for Elena as an anniversary gift a...
The Kneeling Goddess
A poor shepherd is convinced to marry a beautiful woman. This is a Maquiavellian plan schemed by the woman's fiancé and her father.
Tierra baja
On March 22, four days after returning to his home in Andalusia, Luis de Vargas writes the first of his letters to his uncle and favorite professor...
Pepita Jimenez
The movie starts with Braulio Peláez (Pedro Infante), a schoolteacher, having just fallen off his horse, representing the situation he and his...
They also sing of pain
Pedro Gonzalez first gets into trouble as part of a criminal gang and then works honourably to become rich. Money is his undoing allowing him to...
Far from Heaven
A 1941 film directed by Vicente Oroná.
El hijo de Cruz Diablo
Salvador accompanied by two friends of his father whom he calls uncles, they arrive at a fair in the village, there he meets Ana. When he wins a bet...
Cuidado con el amor
The arrogant Arizmendi, pelota champion, lives intoxicated by his success and disdain for women who love him. Arizmendi commits blackmail to lose a...
Night Falls
Standard retelling of the the Gospels, with a brief epilogue about the death of Mary.
Reina de reinas: La Virgen María
Latter part of the career of Padre Morelos, the 18th/19th century military leader. Sequel to... um... El Padre Morelos.
El rayo del sur