OSTKREUZ tells the episodic story of 15-year-old Elfie, who literally and metaphorically inhabits a no-man’s-land between the two Germanies...
Eastern Cross
In a fast-paced action film with an international backdrop, an unsuspecting Edith (Mireille Perrier) goes to Frankfurt to work for a German friend...
High Speed
The eponymous party is hosted by Queenie and Burrs, long-term lovers who are rapidly growing apart.
The Party: Nature Morte
Erich Kasulke and Rudolf Portmann are comedian stars of the former GDR. When the Wall falls, so does their success. Portmann becomes a successful...
Alles Lüge
A man migrates from Poland over Germany into the US.
The Grass is Greener Everywhere Else
At the end of the 1960s a young woman lays the foundation of the women's movement. As well as political initiatives against male dominance, a...
Der subjektive Faktor
Berlin 1808. A young, immature student who considers himself a poet, August Varnhagen, enters the famous salon of Rahel Levin, one of the first...
Kolossale Liebe
In Germany, an old man attacks another old man and is arrested. The attacker refuses to speak. A female lawyer is appointed to him. She discovers...
The Rose Garden
The brothers Kipp and Most set off to inherit their grandmother's estate. Along the way, they meet Viktor, a deserted Russian soldier who kidnaps...
No More Mr. Nice Guy