A young New York City journalist, frustrated with the pressures of a failing publishing world and a less-than-promising romantic life, is sent on a...
The Shuroo Process
Meet Chloe and Owen: best buds since their sandbox days. Now, in med school as they attempt to balance the weight of their studies, his job, her...
Friends (With Benefits)
At the height of the 1920's Paris, Flora, a beautiful courtesan and a kept woman by a famous surgeon falls madly in love with Virgil, a cherubin...
Boy in a Bathtub
Over a million women have modeling portfolios online. BROKEN SIDE OF TIME is the story of Dolce, one of the models who've made a career of it. But...
Broken Side of Time
Two brothers, one of whom suffers from a traumatic brain injury, struggle to survive on their own.
Two Years
Frank Pierce leads a seemingly normal life, but when a disturbing past reemerges & something precious is taken from him, his mask of sanity loosens &...
Bad Frank
After the death of her father, a troubled woman returns home to confront the family who paid for her silence. Kira Flynn grew up in a storybook NJ...
The Price for Silence
Guilt tears through the consciousness of Julian Shay a man who cannot forget the damage he has done. And he is not alone for there are others who...
A Certain Darkness