Jyothi Lingam, a bright student, leads a happy life in his small village. One day, tragedy strikes when his father, the only earning member of the...
Angadi Theru
This film is about mysterious events that unfold in a forest resort during a twelve-hour investigation in a non-linear play. The story revolves...
Surya is a do-gooder who is liked by everyone around him except his father, who constantly puts him down because he is unemployed. When he goes...
Senthil, Tharun, Mani , and Madhavan coincidentally meet on one journey and become good friends. To come out of their struggles and personal...
Tamil movie, Directed by M.P. Gopi, Starring Mahesh, Aarushi, Ganja Karuppu, Music by Srikanth Deva
Velmurugan Borewells
Iravum Pagalum Varum in an Indian Tamil film released on Mar 13th 2015
Iravum Pagalum Varum
Story of three person challenges the evil practices of country’s corruption, abuse of power and officer lethargic management.
Budhanin Sirippu
Gracie, a young Tamil woman living near Madras, has been having behavioural disorders since the day she was married. The memory of her French friend...
His Wife
Last Bench is a 2012 Indian Malayalam drama film, directed by Jiju Asokan and produced by T B Raghuanthan. The film stars Mahesh, Jyothi Krishna,...
Last Bench
The film featuring Mahesh and debutant Shalu Chourasiya was shot in early 2018, with director Ram Sevaa making his second film after the unreleased...
En Kaadhali Scene Podura
A guy is struggling to pass his high school grade and it leads him to find a job with local area gang with help of his friend. What happened next was...