Through a series of unfortunate events, three mummies end up in present-day London and embark on a wacky and hilarious journey in search of an old...
Copenhagen, Denmark, 1962. When a high-ranking Soviet official decides to change sides, a French intelligence agent is caught up in a cold, silent...
In Greek mythology, the Keres were female spirits of death and fate. Now, one of them will tell us 'the story of all stories', which unfolds on the...
In a new chapter of the fashionable radio serial, Inspector Pratt is about to reveal the murderer of Mrs. Brown, the rich heiress of the Balme...
Humbug Manor
Arturo Gámez, a young television repairman, suffers a strange energy accident while he is at work. He is transported to another parallel...
Arturo Gámez (Bodies in Transit)
Los locos, locos carrozas
Carlos, a widower in his forties, lives with his daughter Lolita and his sister Merche. He is a candidate to Spanish Court's Proctor, so frequently...
Tocata y fuga de Lolita
A famous actress is trapped by an unknown captor in the limo sent to take her to the gala at which she will collect a lifetime achievement award.
The Glass Coffin
You're home alone at night. Someone slips a note under the door that says DON'T OPEN THE DOOR TONIGHT. What would you do?
Don't Open the Door
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