A young sailor falls in love with a mysterious woman performing as a mermaid on the local pier. As they become entwined, he comes to suspect the...
Night Tide
The setting is a small town in 1870s Pennsylvania. Sally Waterson and her father have stopped in town with their traveling medicine show, but when...
High, Wide and Handsome
Loose Ends is a collage film about the process of internalizing the information that bombards us through a combination of personal experience and...
Loose Ends
A portrait of artist, actress, poet and occultist Marjorie Cameron, it shows images of her paintings and recitations of her poems. Preserved by the...
The Wormwood Star
GOING CLEAR intimately profiles eight former members of the Church of Scientology, shining a light on how they attract true believers and the things...
Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief
Covering the first half of Anger's career, from his landmark debut FIREWORKS in 1947 to his epic bacchanalia INAGURATION OF THE PLEASURE DOME,...
The Films of Kenneth Anger: Volume One
This edited Ektachrome home movie with titles documents a 1959 street fair, upper Grant Avenue, San Francisco--the center of Beat culture. The film...
Street Fair
Lord Shiva wakes. A convocation of magicians in the guise of figures from mythology; a masquerade party at which Pan is the prize. The wine of Hecate...
The Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome
Nine films grouped together that form the basis of Anger's reputation as one of the most influential independent filmmakers in cinema history.
Magick Lantern Cycle