A misfit teenager, an anxious mother, and a recent widow see their day interrupted by a mysterious natural phenomenon. As their world descends into...
Ordinary Failures
The year is 1764. For over a year, Josef has been leading a precarious life in Venice. He hopes to become an opera composer. The city, full of...
The Bohemian
What led a former top scientist to rob a bank and hold a dozen hostages? Czech Television's crime thriller based on Martin Goffa's novel "The Little...
Into the Darkness
Po čem muži touží 2
Johann Faust comes back to life. After centuries spent in darkness he unleashes a night of terror in Prague, with vampires, zombies and mutants. This...
Bloody Johann
When her daughter decides to move back home, Ivana, a mother who only lives for her autistic son, finds her fragile family ecosystem challenged...
Two pranksters set out on a wild adventure to shoot a horror documentary, resurrect their dwindling fame and save their YouTube channel.
Shoky & Morthy: Last Big Thing
After a Parkinson's diagnosis a classically trained pianist embarks on a path of self discovery leading him to a punk band. Their rebellious...
The New Music
All the parents suddenly fall asleep, and children have to survive in the world. A thrilling adventure showing what can happen when chaos reigns and...
Sleeping City
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