The lives of two lovelorn spouses from separate marriages, a registered sex offender, and a disgraced ex-police officer intersect as they struggle to...
Little Children
An idealistic young inventor tries to heal the world with cornstarch.
The Cornstarch Gizmo
Charlie, a socially inept young man, compulsively confesses every detail of his anti-social behavior to his mother, Hazel, with whom he still lives...
You Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory
35-year-old Morris Bliss is clamped in the jaws of New York City inertia: he wants to travel but has no money, he needs a job but has no prospects,...
The Trouble With Bliss
A satirical romance set to the backdrop of an apocalyptic blizzard that threatens to engulf Manhattan.
A Window on the World
Made for TV movie based on a true story, an aspiring New York City sportscaster's life is on the slow track until he serendipitously gets the old...