Superman agrees to sacrifice his powers to start a relationship with Lois Lane, unaware that three Kryptonian criminals he inadvertently released are...
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut
A young woman, struggling to become a novelist, has her life go into a tailspin. Her first novel is rejected, her non-committal boy friend decides to...
The Sky is Falling
Bumbling R&D inventors Bruce and Lloyd get out of the lab and into the field as they search to locate their latest invention - which has somehow gone...
Get Smart's Bruce and Lloyd Out of Control
The owner of a boat shop unwittingly hires a slick con man as his new sales manager, and subsequently has his life turned upside down.
Man Overboard
When a group of eccentric loners is scapegoated by the government and forced into a ridiculous group therapy program as part of its war on violence...
A suburban housewife thinks she has uncovered a murder plot.
A Quiet Little Neighborhood, a Perfect Little Murder