In this striking meditation on the Australian migrant community, a Filipino teenager follows his mother through the bleak landscape of...
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. A boy sits in a run down hotel. A girl rides a motorcycle through the darkness. This is their story.
Down Under
The Milk Man, a psychopathic murderer who preys upon women. Pinoy Boy, the world’s deadliest Filipino who is tasked with tracking him down....
MAGANDA! Pinoy Boy vs Milkman
It’s Valentine’s Day, 2012 in Melbourne, Australia. A Vietnamese prostitute named Pisces is conned to her cocoon. She searches for true...
Butterfly Flower
Set in Australia, Love with the Poet is an experimental visual feature based on five poems that reflect youth loneliness.
Love with the Poet
March 2020, a worldwide catastrophic event unfolds, as an ensemble of young migrants' lives fall apart. Libra stares down the drop of a tall...
A Pencil to the Jugular