はめられて Road to Love
The film revolves around three struggling actors Michio, Gunji, and Enoken, who share a house together. One day, they find a baby girl left with a...
Hey! Our dear Don-chan
Drama clubs from an all boys high school and an all girls high school hold a joint training camp. The schools are set to merge the following year. At...
Dorome: Girls' Side
Dorome: Boys' Side
A two-part feature directed separately by Shimizu and his colleague Keisuke Toyoshima. Unrelated to each other, both have a common goal: to bring...
Ghosts vs. Aliens 03
Haruki, a biracial student decides to quit college and travel to Japan. Makoto is a construction worker raised in the projects of Kansai who is also...
The kids are alright. And by alright, we mean they might be aliens! When he meets three of them, Wao is told that he must return to their home...