This is a portrait film of Miles McKane, one of the original co-founders of Light Cone and Scratch Projection, with his husband, Yves Gloaguen, in...
Miles and Yves, Indre
Initial situation: models were invited to participate in their portrait by the contribution of personal objects and a great freedom of expression...
Pourquoi "Light Cone" ?
Cinexpérimentaux is a series of documentaries on experimental filmmakers, produced and directed by Michel Amarger and Frédérique...
Cinexpérimentaux #8: Cooperative Light Cone
"It is above all a portrait of Miles McKane. Making a portrait, shooting a portrait are all modes of perpetuating/appropriating a person's image....
Teo Hernandez films waste and scrap found on the pavements of the streets of Paris. “Sidewalks are great subjects: garbage, objects and...
Mesures de miel et de lait sauvage
Teo Hernández films some friends in a park under the Parisian summer heat.
Feuilles d'été
Chutes de Feuilles d’été