Young James struggles as an outsider at his school. His teacher, Mr. Sutherland, is the only person he feels he can connect with. When James finally...
The film tells the story of two boys who become friends at the start of the Troubles in 1970. The boys share an obsession with Butch Cassidy and the...
Mickybo and Me
A couple's lives are thrown into disarray when their daughter is cast opposite a controversial major star.
An overzealous priest returns to his home town and ends up battling against his brother for the heart of the locals.
The story of music legend Terri Hooley, a key figure in Belfast's punk rock scene. Hooley founded the Good Vibrations store from which a record label...
Good Vibrations
Boys On Film 5: Candy Boy features nine award-winning short films. Boys will be boys in Pascal-Alex Vincent's FAR WEST and CANDY BOY, where a...
Boys On Film 5: Candy Boy