Taking a wrong turn, travelers find themselves trapped in a mysterious house. One horror after another threatens them as the sorcerer who lives...
A group of hobos begin melting into multicolored piles of goo after drinking sixty-year-old liquor. At the same time, the psychotic Vietnam War vet...
Street Trash
An alien ship crashes to Earth. A group of campers are caught in the midst of this crash. There are a number of alien bugs here who proceed to infect...
Killer Dead
Spike Fumo is an Italian kid apsiring to be a boxer. He falls in love with a rich girl, who turns out to be the daughter of a Mafia boss. Spike is...
Spike of Bensonhurst
A feature-length, retrospective documentary about the troubled production of 1985's SPOOKIES, which began its life under the title TWISTED SOULS.
Twisted Tale: The Unmaking of Spookies