Based on a novel of by Nukui Tokuro, Hohoemu Hito tells the story of Nito Toshimi who, after graduating from Japan’s most difficult university...
The Smiling Man
A photographer's obsessive pursuit of dark subject matter leads him into the path of a serial killer who stalks late night commuters, ultimately...
The Midnight Meat Train
Kaori (Nori Sato) runs a small piano studio. One of her students is Yuu (Uwa Ishibashi). On the way from a recital, Kaori is sexually assaulted by...
Lost Serenade
Ines, who wants to change who she is and become someone else in order to cover up her insecurities. When she accompanies her boyfriend Lucas on a...
Miss Osaka
Takeshi grew up spoiled in an affluent family. One day his businessman grandfather Saburo sends him to the grasslands of Mongolia where he is to...
Under the Turquoise Sky