This documentary was first released on the laserdisc for DragonHeart, and was then re-released on both the Collector's Edition and Franchise...
The Making of 'DragonHeart'
A crew of Martians overhears a radio broadcast of Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" coming from Earth, and, thinking the Martian fleet is attacking...
Spaced Invaders
Alienated, hopeful-filmmaker Pat Johnson's epic story growing up in rural Illinois, falling in love, and becoming the first fan of the movie that...
After a deadly car accident, a boy finds himself trapped in a sinister hospital and begins to wonder if he could be more than human.
The Roma Project
After three decades, Jaws continues to intrigue, thrill and frighten viewers. This documentary focuses on the many ways in which Jaws has helped to...
The Shark Is Still Working: The Impact & Legacy of "Jaws"