A historical drama set in Roman Egypt, concerning philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria and her relationship with her slave Davus, who is torn between...
In a small Mediterranean village, Carmen has looked after her brother, the local priest, for her entire life. When the Church abandons Carmen, she is...
The Maltese islands are tiny yet surprisingly rich in mythical creatures. Civilisations who occupied the Maltese islands weaved these beings in...
John, a Maltese student with big dreams and a serious lack of sleep, has had a busy and exhausting last couple of days. It all takes a toll on him...
Famous crime writer Randy Williams spends the night with a gorgeous stranger he just met at his latest book signing. Back home he found his wife...
Tailor Made Murder
Serena Segalle, a stubborn Maltese student was born with a clubfoot. Against all odds, and despite the hoard of naysayers she rises to become...
The Home Straight
Limestone Cowboy is a human story of a family grappling with the discomforting notion of a delusional parent, Karist, who believes he has what it...
Limestone Cowboy
When the newly renovated Hotel Optima in Malta has a grand reopening, Chloe and her team from Destination Traveler Magazine, head over to cover the...
To Catch a Spy
After an elaborate application process, Empress Elisabeth of Austria hires Countess Irma as her new lady-in-waiting and takes her to her summer...
Sisi & I
Operating alone in the field for more than 20 years, a CIA hitman uses the "Help Wanted" section of the newspapers to get his orders from the Agency....
In a strange place where daily broadcasts require everyone to “keep the silence”, the long-isolated residents of Edifice 129, trapped in...
Edifice 129