Follows the tale of a young woman’s sexual awakening and subsequent journey around the world in pursuit of her ideal lover. Encounters include...
Graham Young is a teenage misfit living in suburban London in the 1960s. He hates his stepmother but loves chemistry, and the two impulses unite in a...
The Young Poisoner's Handbook
London publicist Helen, effortlessly slides between parallel storylines that show what happens when she does or does not catch a train back to her...
Sliding Doors
Over the course of five social occasions, a committed bachelor must consider the notion that he may have discovered love.
Four Weddings and a Funeral
The London branch of Whitney Paine, a major American investment bank, is in the midst of a crisis; after the loss of $100 million, one of their...
On the death of her mother, a young woman in northern England learns that her father is actually her step-father. She embarks on a search for her...