In 2016, journalism student Susana Rojas disappeared without a trace while making a documentary for her end-of-career work. After several years, her...
An escaped lunatic who was once known for murdering and collecting teeth has escaped from a mental asylum. Now, a group of teachers on a trip find...
Tooth Fairy: Queen of Pain
Sammy, a surviving teacher rejoins her colleagues back at work. After hearing some odd noises around the classrooms Sammy feels she is being watched....
Tooth Fairy: Drill to Kill
Tilly has inherited a Manor House. Soon, she will learn just how she has managed to inherit it when an evil Leprechaun begins to stalk her down,...
The Leprechaun's Curse
After Christopher Robin abandons them for college, Pooh and Piglet embark on a bloody rampage as they search for a new source of food.
Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey