RUC detective Simon Gabby is consumed by guilt after he fails to act decisively in a moment of terror. As the pressure on him builds, Gabby gradually...
Force of Duty
1973, Heather is a 14-year old girl who is impatient to be a woman. She has one eye on her mother's baby doll nightie and the other on her best...
Baby Doll
An aging criminal, about to pull an armed robbery,reflects on a friend of his: a fellow criminal, who lost his life in a recent robbery attempt,on a...
Do Armed Robbers Have Love Affairs?
The story of former UVF member Alistair Little. Twenty-five years after Little killed Joe Griffen's brother, the media arrange an auspicious meeting...
Five Minutes of Heaven
Violence erupts in north Belfast when the residents of Glenbyrn, a predominantly Protestant suburb, object to schoolgirls walking through their...
Holy Cross
Colin is a Catholic and George is a poetry-loving Protestant. In Belfast in the 1980s, they could have been enemies, but instead they became business...
An Everlasting Piece