In the autumn of 1942, a secret convoy was ambushed by the Japanese army in the field. At that moment, Zuo Yingjie and Ling Feng, who composed the...
The Sniper
In order to rescue his old comrades Blind Man goes deep into the Cambodian forest and fights against the strange insects and monsters hidden in the...
Reunion: Escape from the Monstrous Snake
In the early days of the Republic of China, Sun Yicheng, a returned medical graduate student, came to Miwu Town to deliver epidemic prevention...
The Dragon Hunting Well
Accidental Hero
Gao Yuan (Peng Yuchang), a high school student, diagnoses with muscular dystrophy and learns that his life is running out of days. He decides to...
The Last Wish
The bumpy little van was snowing outside, letting passenger Zhang Zhongqing remember the day when he first came to Yanshou Village 30 years ago. That...
Unforgivable Sin