Lucy, a former child actor, seeks enlightenment at a retreat led by spiritual leader Elon while she navigates her close yet turbulent relationship...
Bad Behaviour
Dean is threatening to firebomb his ex-girlfriend's wedding. Mickey is filling the garage with stolen goods - again, and pierced teenage daughter,...
Savage Honeymoon
The girls and gorillas at a singing telegram company are overworked because it is Valentine's Day. A series of sub-plots - a sexist disc jockey...
Send a Gorilla
A small town woman, fresh to the city, buys a used Jaguar haunted by the ghost of a woman who was slain in it.
Mr. Wrong
In the place between what you know, and what you fear, demons rule. All hope is stripped away as demonic forces overcome you. Dr. Harry Ballard has...
The Irrefutable Truth About Demons