After an encounter with UFOs, an electricity linesman feels undeniably drawn to an isolated area in the wilderness where something spectacular is...
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
This teen drama follows high-school senior David Wakefield, a talented runner who is set on leading his track-and-field team to victory. As David...
Our Winning Season
Charlie goes on an all expense paid Cambodian trip with the his rich friend, her mother and soccer team. Before they are able to compete in a game,...
Nine Grounds
Terry "Hulk" Hogan stars as R. J. "Hurricane" Spencer who is an ex-Navy S. E. A. L. and confirmed bachelor struggling to make ends meet. In order to...
Thunder in Paradise
Tommy takes up temporary housing in a New York neighborhood plagued by a violent gang called the Souls. Tommy is waiting for his next assignment as a...
Sorrowful Jones is a cheap bookie in the 1930s. When a gambler leaves his daughter as a marker for a bet, he gets stuck with her. His life will...
Little Miss Marker
A Vietnam veteran, Charles Rane, returns home after years in a POW camp and is treated as a hero. He has a hard time adjusting, and things go badly....
Rolling Thunder