The tale of an extraordinary family, the Madrigals, who live hidden in the mountains of Colombia, in a magical house, in a vibrant town, in a...
Created for Disney's 100th anniversary, the short features Mickey Mouse corralling a gallery of legendary Disney characters for a group photo.
Once Upon a Studio
Exploring the failures of the criminal justice system from a unique angle, the film follows a young Latino boy who puts his single mother's illegal...
Charlie suffers from a serious disease that causes acute narcolepsy whenever he is happy. Although he develops a variety of techniques to deny...
Ode to Joy
A woman dealing with the loss of her husband, the struggle of parenthood and finding work in a new state finds solace in her relationship with an 8...
Claire Smythson, wife of the renowned abstract artist Richard Smythson, is plunged into a late-life crisis when her husband is diagnosed with...
The Artist's Wife