The community reels after an incident on a suburban train. A young cop, beset with doubt and afflicted with tinnitus, is pitched into the chaos that...
The chronicle of the life and great love of Otto Bloom, an extraordinary man who experiences time in reverse - passing backwards through the years...
The Death and Life of Otto Bloom
The front row ticket to an anarchistic rampage of death and destruction. First turned on during a home invasion, the gang's video camera never lets...
Razor Eaters
A man in the middle of nowhere contemplates existence.
The Heisenberg Principle
A brutal mugging leaves Grey Trace paralyzed in the hospital and his beloved wife dead. A billionaire inventor soon offers Trace a cure — an...
Questioning the world we live in. An outrageous Los Angeles producer sets out to make the most extreme and controversial Reality Television show...
10 Terrorists
The incredible true story of Vietnam War hero William H. Pitsenbarger, a U.S. Air Force Pararescuemen medic who personally saved over sixty men....
The Last Full Measure