Animated short fim based on a short story by Stanisław Lem. Hydrops, the king of Aquacia, has ordered to his advisors to create a new heir and...
The Advisors of King Hydrops
Historia Polski Wedlug Kabaretu Moralnego Niepokoju
Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju -Trasasasa
Made by independent company Wytwórnia A'YoY from Zielona Góra, Poland, mostly by the members of former sketch group Kabaret Potem, this...
Tale of People from Here
A comedy about the modern days men, and not only...
7 Things You Don't Know About Men
Raised in Warsaw's Praga, Mirka graduated from the prestigious faculty of law. It would seem that her profession would even be detracted from the...
Złoty środek