A skirt-wearing street-fighter finds herself in the odd position of defending a south of the border noodle joint from Servicio Occupodo, his...
A Fist Full of Fuku
A female assassin is sent out on her ultimate assignment: take out Trionger, a trio of semi-retired super-rangers in power armor (who may or may not...
Demonic Heroine in Peril
Maki, the female bar manager, has a dark side as a "yakuza woman" who supports Tetsuya of the Uradora clan of the Kanto region. Maki's true identity...
Yakuza's Lady 6
Misa's father, the Minowa clan leader, was killed by assassins from the rival organisation Shinsui Rengo. She decides to live her life as a yakuza...
Yakuza's Lady 5
Misa has insulated herself from her beloved Ryuji and left the city, and has started a new life as a coffee shop clerk. Meanwhile, Ryuji, who is...
Yakuza's Lady 3