After the release from prison, small-time criminal is marrying his girlfriend and lives a straight and poor, but happy life with her and her...
Thirty years after the Yugoslavian war and the fall of communism, workers from the ex-YU countries find themselves again in the same "bus". But this...
Yugotransport - We Are All on the Same Bus
Mahir is married to Geraldine for three years and still they have no children. So Mahir becomes convinced that he is pregnant. From that moment, he...
Marko, Adi, Aco and Dejan hag out in front of block of flats in Fuzine. Marko is pissed because he quit playing basketball and because the sexy TV...
Chefurs Raus!
Asthmatic grandmother named Safa and her six-month baby granddaughter Jasmina, are transferred in a humanitarian convoy from the besieged Sarajevo to...
A widow grieves, discovers her deceased spouse's secret, and builds a relationship with a talented boy who used to play the violin with her husband...
While researching or playing a role, an actor decides to quit acting and live the life of their character instead.
I Act, I Am
A bitter coming-of-age story about boy who grows up in a remote Bosnian village shortly after World War II.
A Little Bit of Soul
The naive 18 year old Dobrila leaves her little Serbian village to travel to Hamburg, Germany, where her boyfriend lives. The trip is not easy....
The Serbian Girl
In the fifties, a young Belgrade teacher girl, after finishing her school, and by the Ministry of education order, arrives to a remote town to...
Regular Trains Station