A minister gets a kickback in hundreds of crores for sanctioning a solar power project. This leads to a kidnapping and a murder, and two young police...
Sugamana Sumaigal is a 1992 Tamil film directed by R. Parthiepan. The film stars R. Parthiepan, Shali, Radha Ravi and Vijayakumar in lead roles.
Sugamana Sumaigal
A scriptwriter calls his friends over for a discussion to create a script for his first film. The group consists of a cinematographer, a...
Kathai Thiraikathai Vasanam Iyakkam
The romantic lives of two people – Varun (Nani) and Nithya (Samantha), are chronicled in this film from their school days until their adult...
Yeto Vellipoyindhi Manasu
A do-gooder don wants his footballer son to uplift the life of his people by becoming a champion, but fate draws the youngster into a life of...