An ambitious young woman, desperate for followers and fame, fakes a trip to Paris to up her social media presence. When a terrifying incident takes...
Not Okay
A grieving young man falls into the final act of a cult leader's ritual.
Collegian Tree Gelbman wakes up in horror to learn that she's stuck in a parallel universe. Her boyfriend Carter is now with someone else, and her...
Happy Death Day 2U
When Jake and his dream girl, Amanda, contract a mysterious zombie virus, they end up on the run from Cass, a teen psychic sent by the government's...
Eat Brains Love
After being blacklisted from the NYC theatre industry, two Upper East Side New Yorkers, Tucker and Sandrene, decide their only course of action is to...
After nearly 50 years of hiding, Leatherface returns to terrorize a group of idealistic influencers who accidentally disrupt his carefully shielded...
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Over 30 filmmakers and friends of Strand Releasing have come together to honor the company’s indelible contribution to independent cinema over...
30/30 Vision: Three Decades of Strand Releasing