Ayane, who has transferred to Seiran Girls' Academy, is troubled by her strange auditory hallucinations. Before long, she had a series of unnatural...
The Scary Folklore: Omote no Sho
All set to enjoy their day off, three high school friends, Yukino, Asako, and Natsu, board a seemingly normal train... when suddenly, a deafening...
Death Train
This is the seventh volume of a series of one-episode horror dramas based on rumored haunted places, actual stories, and accidents that have occurred...
Damned Files 7
This is the fifth volume of a serial horror drama series of complete episodes produced based on actual stories and accidents.
Damned Files 5
Masaki is about to move to the U.S. with his parents, much to the dismay of five girls who all like him in different ways. Tomboyish Takako always...
Way of Blue Sky
A 21-year-old girl is released from prison, only to deal with the neighborhood gossip about her and family conflicts. She decides to save one million...
One Million Yen Girl