After being raised and abused in the foster care system, twin brothers find refuge with a group of misfits who turn out to be a violent band of...
The Last Page
Dos Jonze is an Ex Navy Seal and winner of the prestigious Medal Of Honor who is pushed to the brink when the man who murdered his mother is released...
Shadow of Vengeance
A young woman inherits more than just a house as the spirit of her estranged, eccentric aunt lingers, desperate to lead her to uncover the family...
Lady in the Locket
Doug and Amber were madly in love and married during their college years. Driven by the "dream" of a prosperous life together - Amber worked two jobs...
Sacred Vow
On Thanksgiving, a family struggles to properly care for their father with Alzheimer's disease.
Our Father's Keeper
Second chances start when a hardened criminal crosses paths with a precocious little girl who is helped by an angel to change hearts during the...
Lucy Shimmers and the Prince of Peace