Taking place approximately three years after the events in Friends, Paul and Michelle follows the family of Paul Harrison and Michelle...
Paul and Michelle
Paul, a rich English boy, and Michelle, an orphaned French girl, run away from home to a remote beach. Living on their own, their friendship grows...
After a team of surgeons botches his beloved wife's operation, the distraught Dr. Phibes unleashes a score of Old-Testament atrocities on his enemies.
The Abominable Dr. Phibes
Harry is a married writer who has an affair with a woman whose husband knows that she is unfaithful. As a result of his work, Harry has trouble...
Story of a Love Story
Russian and British submarines with nuclear missiles on board both vanish from sight without a trace. England and Russia both blame each other as...
The Spy Who Loved Me
In an English boys' boarding school, social hierarchy reigns supreme and power remains in the hands of distanced and ineffectual teachers and...