Eitoku Academy is a high school that caters to rich, high-society families. Among the students who attend there are four young men who have the...
Boys Over Flowers
Messiah –The Strange Tale of of Amakusa Shirō– The story takes place in Edo Castle in 1656. Foreign-style painter Yuan Yamada is...
Messiah -The Legend of Shiroh Amakusa- / Beautiful Garden -A Profusion of Flowers-
The War of the Roses (1455-1485), a turning point in the history of England, where the Lancasters and the House of York divided the domestic princes...
Prince of Roses -The Man Led by the Crown-
A Fairy Tale -The Spirit of the Blue Rose- introduces us to Harvey Rockwood, a world-renowned botanist, who comes across bad weather and finds...
A Fairy Tale -The Spirit of the Blue Rose- / Charme!
Flower Troupe's stage play.
The Dancing Girl
Delight Holiday