During a stormy night in the Scottish Highlands, two criminal brothers on the run seek refuge in a desolate farmhouse. But after taking the resident...
Little Bone Lodge
Jessie Weston is an ex-con recently released from prison after serving two years for auto theft. He is welcomed back into his small California down...
Presumed Guilty
Hannah is a withdrawn and awkward teenager who has been asked to leave school for not participating. Her mother has set her up with a trial shift at...
A troubled Vietnam vet snaps during a training exercise at a survivalist-type military camp and thinks he's back in Vietnam. He kills several of the...
When Jordanna Smith accepts an invitation to accompany her father & three others on a hunting trip into the Idaho mountains, she doesn't know the...
When a Spider Bites
Two years ago, a young woman named Valerie was burned after entering a tanning salon. Now, Rhonda runs a local gym where all of a sudden, people are...
Killer Workout