Bindaas (Telugu: బిందాస్) is a 2010 Telugu action film directed by Veeru Potla. The film stars Manoj Manchu...
A 15-year-old Maahi, who hails from an rich family, falls in love with Kabir, a 17-year-old. When she becomes pregnant, their families' opposition...
Teree Sang: A Kidult Love Story
Five aimless youths are offered money to assassinate a local gangster. This is the beginning of their downward spiral into a life of crime.
Film starring Shweta Bhardwaj, Gulshan Grover and Adi Irani
Raqt: A Psycho Thriller
Dasu and his gang of newbies kidnap a rich politician's son to extract money from him, with his new-found uncanny rules of kidnapping. All his...
Gaddam Gang