Marin is a young French woman living in New York City who finds herself disconnected from her body, boyfriend and family. During a tumultuous...
One memorable night in the life of veteran patrol officer Ray Mandel and his trainee, ambitious rookie cop Nick Holland in the LAPD's Olympic...
Crown Vic
Riz is a recent South Asian immigrant who takes a job at a seedy motel in a bid to start over in America. But the motel’s other employees and...
Stray Dolls
Olivia, an undocumented Filipina immigrant paranoid about deportation, works as a caregiver to a Russian-Jewish grandmother in New York. When the man...
Lingua Franca
A summer afternoon: kids run wild & unsupervised, bullying seven-year-old Shiloh into a dangerous initiation ritual that will teach them all the...
"Sugar" is an elegiac short film directed by filmmaker, Michael Patti. Michael sought to tell a story of grief, patience, the overwhelming aspects of...
A story about a curious little girl named Margot.
Veteran comedy writer Charlie Berns, who is slowly but surely losing his grip on reality, befriends a talented young New York street singer Emma...
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