After receiving a text from Jena, their long-dead friends Angel, Niko, Ririn and Lili must overcome dangerous obstacles whose goal is to take their...
After a school transfer forces them apart, Nathan and Salma try to adjust but their attempts to move ahead get tested by hard emotions and new faces.
Dear Nathan: Hello Salma
Alexandra (Mentari de Marelle), student, became a substitute teacher at an orphanage called House Angels. Alexandra replace Irma, who no longer hold...
Rumah Malaikat
When the 48-hour-law prevents police to search for an abducted child, a resilient mother is forced to hunt through the perilous streets of Belgrade,...
48 Hours and 1 Minute
A victim of bullying at her high school, a student takes her own life before returning as an evil spirit bent on revenge.
Siena is able to see signs that people will die. The sign appeared on Brama, someone she loves. Siena tries hard to prevent Brama's death.
I Know When You Dead