Based on specific inputs from an associate in Kerala, a man named Ramachandra Boss handpicks a group of individuals and transports them to the UAE...
Ramachandra Boss & Co
The fragile ecosystem of ‘Puthuyvype’ a small island in Kochi, the exotic migration of birds to the mangroves, the fisherman and the...
Aavasavyuham: The Arbit Documentation of an Amphibian Hunt
Purusha Pretham, focuses on Inspector Sebastian as he handles an unidentified male body and becomes entangled in a procedural, personal and emotional...
Purusha Pretham
Kodamazha Suni, a retired organised crime leader, is compelled to return to his homeland after his former gang is attacked by an unknown adversary....
The Art Of Warfare
Life turns topsy turvy for the Kuruvila family when each of them face failures in their lives. Will they overcome it or will they go into disarray?
Tholvi F.C.