When most of the population of Earth is infected by a virus and transformed into flesh eaters and blood drinking creatures, a group of hunters lead...
Against the Dark
A young working girl with a blue-collar background is surprised when her new fiancé announces he is actually a prince of a small sovereign...
A Royal Christmas
Set in the Clapham district of south London, England, the film is inspired by true events. The paths of several men intersect during a dramatic...
Clapham Junction
Set in Belfast against the backdrop of the 1986 World Cup, Shooting for Socrates tells the story of a momentous time in Northern Ireland's football...
Shooting for Socrates
Clavius, a powerful Roman military tribune, and his aide, Lucius, are tasked with solving the mystery of what happened to Jesus in the weeks...
Best – His Mother’s Son (BBC Two) was a gloomy drama about Ann Best, mother of George, who was strictly teetotal until her mid-40s, when...
Best: His Mother's Son
Set in a post-Troubles Northern Ireland, The Truth Commissioner follows the fictional story of Henry Stanfield, played by Roger Allam, a career...
The Truth Commissioner
Young Tom and his misfit friends fight to save 'Buster' the baby elephant during the German air raid bombings of Belfast in 1941.
Trust fund baby Robert gets himself in hot water with a mysterious American who helps you kill people for a price. Written and Directed by Phillip...
When The West is Done With You
Tired of her bad luck, Fiona takes her mom on a trip to Ireland to turn things around where she meets a charming single dad who helps her make her...
Love Of The Irish