The plot follows Princess Turandot who is cursed by a mysterious power emanating from three Mazovian bracelets that were given to her as birthday...
The Curse of Turandot
Ximen Debao is an innkeeper without big ambitions. In order to attract business, he instructs his younger brother Tu Hao and his friends to pose as...
Rising Shaolin: The Protector
At a celebration feast, the supermodel An Weiwei, who seemed to be calm but was jealous, announced a break in public because of her boyfriend's...
Super Model Fantasy
A story of the world accidentally falling into endless darkness. People found out that there is an ancient book in the underground palace deep in the...
A Sealed Book
The world is on the brink of catastrophe in a chaotic age where evil demons roam. In order to keep evil at bay, a mysterious organisation from the...
The Thousand Faces of Dunjia
The team members of the near-bankrupt Chinese Football Victory Club try anything to raise money they need in order to save their club.
Funny Soccer
Puff, grew up as a child spoilt by her parents. During the party celebrating her return from overseas studies, she had a romantic encounter with a...
Miss Puff
General Gao Renjie (Xie Yihong) is a prominent official of the royal court. He has been in countless battles and has been hailed as a decorated war...
The Incredible Monk - Dragon Return
The story follows a band of courageous bodyguards headed by Yang Liu An, and tasked by General Ma Bao with escorting his daughter Chen Yuanyuan,...
The Bravest Escort Group
After a botched assassination attempt, the mismatched duo finds themselves in Paris, struggling to retrieve a precious list of names, as the...
Rush Hour 3