A dark comedic drama about Ella, a 34-year-old theater costume designer who experiences the sudden death of her married lover. As she begins to...
The Other Widow
A fantasy about a daughter’s yearning for her mother’s warmth and comfort, which turns into a nightmare about harsh reality of a group of...
Like lost girls on a winter's day, Alona and Hagar ramble through the streets of Haifa. One is escaping her life, the other her future.
If It Ain't Broke
A lonely librarian in a rough neighborhood has a special relationship with a student on the verge of expulsion. Margherita's poetic world is...
Cold Frost & Sunshine
Ella and Edik, siblings of a traditional Bukhari family, arrive early on holiday to their childhood home. There they find their homophobic father -...
Max finds himself in possession of an ancient scroll that describes the entire history of humankind from beginning to end. Seeking to use the...
The Zohar Secret
18-year-old Anton hangs out with thugs who steal cell phones and blackmail their owners. But when Anton gets a hold of Meitar’s phone, he...
Digital Diary